Customer Service Week Winner – Sarah Perrins

15 October 2021

During Customer Service Week we asked our stores to submit stories of individuals who have displayed an ‘above and beyond’ attitude towards our customers. We received many amazing stories from all across Australia and New Zealand and selected three winners who we felt were excellent examples of customer service at Specsavers

One of the winners was Sarah Perrins from Specsavers Rangiora. A 57-year-old customer, Jane, had recently broken her leg and was sitting across the road in a community care van whilst a carer came in to collect her glasses. In order to avoid any unnecessary discomfort, optical assistant Sarah offered to leave the store and make sure Jane’s glasses were fitting well, as well as making sure she understood all the necessary aftercare and warranty information.

After making a few adjustments, Sarah offered Jane a new case, and a fresh clean and tighten of her existing glasses which were a bit worn out. Jane was incredibly grateful for Sarah’s extra mile approach to customer service. Sarah demonstrated why we are so proud of the day-to-day care our team members provide to our customers.