Dr Ben Ashby presents Specsavers ANZ glaucoma detection and prevention strategy at SCC in Northern Europe

13 October 2021

Specsavers Director of Optometry in Australia and New Zealand, Dr Ben Ashby recently gave a presentation at the SCC Northern Europe event on Tuesday, October 5. In his presentation, Dr Ashby provided an update on how effective the strategies Specsavers has implemented for glaucoma detection and prevention since his presentation at last years’ event.

Dr Ashby opened his presentation with the optometric challenges faced across ANZ when it comes to glaucoma detection rates, including access to technology, consistency, and diagnosis. One addition to Specsavers ANZ practices that has helped combat these challenges is the introduction of OCT as standard for every patient. Dr Ashby highlighted that over the last six months, roughly 50,000 patients underwent a free OCT scan as part of their eye check, removing affordability as a barrier for patients. In addition, utilising visual field tests for those patients where indication is identified, providing optometrists with a valuable diagnostic tool for detecting glaucoma.

The integration of e-referral platform Oculo into Specsavers practice management software, along with the continued education and professional development of the optometry workforce has also led to increased detection rates of glaucoma, sitting at nearly 1.43% across ANZ, helping to reduce the seemingly accepted statistic that 50 per cent of all people with glaucoma go undiagnosed.

Click here to watch the full video and find out more about Specsavers ANZ’s glaucoma strategy.